Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Wonderful Life Benefits of a Subliminal CD By Gregory Frost

Gregory Frost

The wonderful life benefits of a subliminal CD are plentiful, but this write up will list some of the more impactful ones that might pique your interest. Be the person you always wanted to be. Have you ever been told that you are not a nice person, that you have a mean streak and have an attitude problem? Well, if you have, then a subliminal CD is just the sort of therapy you need. Most of the time, these bad behavioural traits can be traced to experiences and events that have happened during the developmental stages of people’s lives, most of the time when they are children. It could be down to up bringing and children absorbing bad values and bad traits into their character matrix in an early age.

There is a way to reprogramme the mind and make you a better person; if these in fact are your problems. What needs to happen is subliminal regression, erasing these bad markers that define personality and character, and write new ones into the behavioural development nexus in the cortex. In simple terms, subliminal CD can rewrite the human spirit and soul of a person.

Perhaps your problem is more unique than others. Maybe it is a lack of ambition to grab opportunities in life. The fear that you have, the inertia to start the momentum of success cannot be explained. You just suddenly feel fear and decide to go into your zone of safety within your life, avoiding all possible threats. To view opportunity as a threat is quite a dangerous concoction of perceptions to have running about in the subconscious and if you need to get rid of them and gain some new bravery and motivation in life, them using a subliminal CD is just the thing you need. It can erase the doubt and fear in your mind, and through continued use, it can reprogramme you to be a braver and much more confident individual. Success will come to you in spades, and at the very least, when you are much older, you can look back and say that you at least gave some things a go before giving up.

Last but not least, one of the wonderful life benefits that a subliminal CD can bestow on you is ridding you of your bad habits. As everyone knows, the true pathology of addiction lies in the mind. It may be anything from smoking, heroine to even overeating; the chain reactions and chemical pre cursors that define them as a need and part of the human process is the brain and the subconscious making you crave for these bad addictions. They lie within the cortex of your mind, deep in the cortical where the subconscious mind resides and the only way to remove it is through the use of subliminal CDs which can slowly wean you off these addictions and remind your body that it does need to have them at all.

The benefits of a subliminal CD may seem too good to be true, but you would have nothing to lose if you give it a try. Best of all, it just might turn your life around and make it that much better.


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Locus of Control: Who Controls Your Life By Bradlley Mckoy

Bradlley Mckoy

Do you believe in fate? In chance? Or are you one of those people who takes full charge of how your life turns out?

Well, this article explores the concept of 'locus of control.' In psychology, this term refers to how you explain the good and the bad things in your life. This concept explains why some people are fanatics of destiny and why others are strong advocates of taking in control.

External versus Internal Locus of Control

Your 'locus' can either be internal or external. If you have an external locus of control, you believe that fate, chance, or a higher being is the one responsible in running your life. You have no immediate control over the things that are happening to you. Instead, you simply let your external sphere influence the outcome of your life.

People with external locus of control exhibit less responsibility over their lives. They would always say: if it's meant to be, it's meant to be.

On the contrary, those with an internal locus of control believe that they themselves are the captains of their ship. They believe that whatever happens to them is a result of the choices they make, and the things that they do. More importantly, people with an internal locus of control believe that no one else is responsible for their lives. As a result, they have better control of their behavior and consequently, they attempt to influence others'.

At the extremes, people with internal locus of control can be labelled as 'control freaks' or perfectionists. On the other hand, those with external locus of control can be likened to the devil-may-care and sometimes thoughtless individuals.

Which is Better?

Now the question is: which is better? Which is the ideal? Is it fair to think of people with external locus of control are mindless and irresponsible individuals? Is it fair to say that everyone should strive to have an internal locus of control?

Well, there's really no definite answer to this, except that a balance between the two loci (plural of locus) should be present. For the most part, you must be in control of your life. You must do the things that you want to do. If you want to be successful in your career, you must see to it that you do well in your current job. If you want to find the man - or woman - of your dreams, you must make yourself accessible and available. Go to places where you can find decent partners. Don't just stay at home and pray that your prince charming will be magically directed to your path.

On the other hand, acknowledge as well that some things are simply out of your control. Know that sometimes, fate waves her hand, and whatever you do, you can't get away from it. Acknowledge that there's a higher being - someone who is larger than you. Acknowledge that sometimes, it's okay to lose control a bit, and let fate do its part.

Therefore, the key to living a good and planned life is balance. Take charge of the things that you can control and let go of those that you can't. By doing so, you are well way at ease directing your life - without closing your doors on a few surprises along the way.


Monday, October 19, 2009

Spiritual Laws of Success: Laws of Vibration, Attraction, And Observation By Aaron Whiston

Aaron Whiston

Spiritual laws are reliable principles observed in the natural world, within the human mind, and through interpersonal relations. These laws, when properly understood, can help guide you in the pursuit of fulfillment and abundance.

The Law Of Vibration

Science tells us the entire universe is vibrating energy. Solids, liquids, gases, wave forms like sound and electricity, it’s all energy vibrating at a particular frequency.

The nature of the vibration held by an object or event determines many things, including the density and behavior of the phenomenon. Additionally, vibrations of a similar nature tend to harmonize with one-another; as some writers say, like attracts like in the vibratory realm.

In nature, we see this law manifest when organisms adapt perfectly to a specific ecosystem and when different animal species form a symbiotic relationship. In society we see aligning vibrations when like-minded people congregate or come into each other’s reality.

Your thoughts and feelings determine your dominant vibration. While your mind may race through myriad images and impressions in a small frame of time, you can only hold one core vibration in the present moment.

You can use the law of vibration to your advantage by practicing moment-to-moment awareness and holding a positive vibration. Your emotions will always indicate whether or not your vibration is positive or negative; good feelings transmit positive vibrations while bad feelings emanate negative vibrations.

The Law Of Attraction

We attract to us the people, events, ideas, and moods that are in alignment with our vibrations. In other words, what we think continuously about and feel strongly about will become part of our reality.

By controlling your thoughts and choosing only to entertain the emotions that serve your highest purpose you can use the law of attraction to bring ideal experiences to you. A powerful spiritual principle, this is also based on legitimate physical science.

The law of attraction is a secondary law that functions in accordance with the law of vibration. Therefore to use law of attraction effectively you must always be aware of the vibration you are sending into the world.

To leverage law of attraction in your favor be sure to pay attention to your emotions. Any time you catch yourself dwelling on anger, fear, disappointment, and so forth immediately shift to the closest positive emotion. You may not be able to leap from despair to complete optimism, but you can make a minor adjustment and take on the feelings of hope and possibility; from here you can shift again and again until you arrive at the ideal emotional state.

In this manner you will keep yourself in the emotional state for drawing the positive experiences you want into your life.

The Law Of Observation

Perhaps the lesser known of all the spiritual principles, law of observation can cause great frustration when not properly understood. Simply put, this law states that everything you see or experience in the world has an impact on your vibration and your unconscious mind.

You may not even realize the law of observation is working for you. Yet still it can completely alter the frequency of your core vibration and result in the attraction of either desirable or undesirable circumstances.

The best way to illustrate the law of observation is through an example: If you open your wallet to pull out your ID and see, even just for an instant, that no money is inside, you have observed a state of lack. Even if you don’t knowingly interpret this as bad (you could have plenty of money in your bank account) your unconscious mind will relay the observation of no money, which in turn will cause the vibration of lack. On the other hand if you see a number of crisp, green bills sticking out of the fold in your wallet the opposite is true; you will observe abundance and thus create the related vibrations. As you can see, the things we notice in the world around us can have a profound impact on the signals we send into the quantum field.

An easy way you can apply the law of observation favorably is to be careful what you expose yourself to. In the example above, be sure to keep at least a few bills in your wallet. Avoid spending time with negative people, and turn off the mainstream news networks! Surround yourself with people and messages of a positive, supportive nature, and take the time to read about people who are living the exact kind of success you desire.

This article has only touched on a few basic spiritual laws. But if you pay attention to the suggestions above you’ll be off to a fabulous start. I also urge you to seek out ongoing, qualified training in the understanding of and alignment with the many other spiritual laws of success.
